5 Tricks to Enjoy a Summer BBQ & Still Feel Good the Next Day

Set up another tub filled with beer, wine, and other adult beverages. To spruce up the drink station, use steel tubs instead of the weathered Igloo cooler. Will the Spanish-themed flamenco dancers fit on your patio alongside the table, BBQ and Frank, who could do with losing a few pounds? This is easier to do when hosting an outdoor BBQ but can get trickier if you move it indoors due to the challenges of British weather.

how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs

Delicious drinks for a summer BBQ party

Either take a picture, or (if you’re like Trevor and are secretly an old man trapped in a young person’s body) grab a notepad and a pen and physically write the prices down. Once you’ve done your field work, head home and start crunching the numbers. This rough estimate should give you a good idea of what kind of costs to expect.

Encourage guests to help themselves to kid-friendly and adult drinks.

These let you eat leaner meats in small pieces without sacrificing flavor. I can be me, engage in social events in a way that works for me and my energy, and not care what others think about me. Sometimes I’d look forward to a party or event; other times, I felt like I needed to be dragged there how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs kicking and screaming. When I was in my 30s, I had a boyfriend who had an extensive circle of friends who loved to have parties, BBQs, etc. Whereas chemical sunscreens only block UVB rays (which cause burning) but not UVA rays (which cause the deeper damage linked to photo-aging and skin cancer).

  • For more tasty skewers, souvlaki and kebabs to cook over the coals, check out our barbecue skewers recipes.
  • There’s a time and a place for a luxe outdoor barbecue with mixologist-worthy punch, super-slow-cooked smoked meats, and a “casual” game of kickball or flag football.
  • For a summer soiree, bring in dreamy, light plants like pampas grass.
  • As a self-proclaimed grill master, summer is one of my favorite times of the year.
  • There’s nothing like the smell of a good barbecue and fresh goodies from your own garden.
  • Classic Western BBQ Party – Plan a classic Western barbecue party to liven things up and let your guests know what they’ve been missing out on.

Backyard BBQ Ideas for Your Next Summer Party

Nothing says summertime more than s’mores made over an open fire. All you need are some marshmallows, chocolate bars, graham crackers, and marshmallow sticks. Thus, we set up a snack table AWAY from the kitchen and grill. My wife and I bought a compact folding table to set up just for this purpose. It is easily stored in our garage when we don’t need it.

how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs

Germs in the water

  • Many of these options can be easily picked up from the deli section of your local grocery store.
  • To avoid infecting others, stay out of public water for at least a week if you have diarrhea.
  • Seeking out grass-fed ground beef not only helps you avoid the antibiotics and added hormones in conventional meat; the “grass-feeding” makes the meat healthy.

This way, the kids can go straight to playing and the adults can begin their drinking…ahem…socializing. Plan a great playlist to set the BBQ atmosphere we all know and love. Make sure you have a diverse selection of music to go over a long period of time. You should aim for a 5+ hour playlist (about 100 songs), it may be a good idea to delegate someone to make sure the music stays going. If your BBQ party is themed, try not to make the music too Cliché (well, maybe just a little).

  • Being mentally prepared to be around alcohol is often an important factor in staying in control.
  • No matter how much booze there is, the gathering is about more than sitting outside and drinking.
  • They work as an appetizer, as a condiment, and even as a salad when chunky.
  • For the stuff you need to buy, head out to your grocery store and start writing down prices.
  • Then, you can manage all of the food and drink at the party.

Mains: Spiral Hotdogs

how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs


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